<div class="article-page__header">
    <div class="published-date">Published 05 March 2021<span>4 minutes read</span></div>
    <div class="article-page__header--tag">First team</div>
    <h1 class="heading-section ">Gareth Southgate&#x27;s tribute to junior game as he lauds emergence of attacking talent</h1>
    <div class="article-page__header--author">
        <p>Written by:</p>
        <p>FA Communications department</p>

No notes defined.

  "publishedDate": "Published 05 March 2021",
  "readLength": "4 minutes",
  "tag": "First team",
  "title": {
    "copy": "Gareth Southgate's tribute to junior game as he lauds emergence of attacking talent",
    "tag": "h1"
  "writtenBy": "FA Communications department"
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  • URL: /components/raw/article-header/article-header.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/modules/article-header/article-header.scss
  • Size: 946 Bytes
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  <div class="article-page__header--author">
    <p>Written by:</p>