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<h1 class="player-profile-header__name">Harry <span class="player-profile-header__surname player-profile-header__surname--short">Kane</span>
<p class="player-profile-header__position">Midfielder</p>
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<p class="player-profile-header__position">Midfielder</p>
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1314.67 143.536C1314.67 143.536 1377 175.174 1457.12 154.926C1688.66 97.4359 1612.94 -133.427 1612.94 -133.427C1612.94 -133.427 1592.45 -46.1075 1520.3 -13.9277C1451.87 16.4442 1395.3 -31.6447 1395.3 -31.6447C1395.3 -31.6447 1507.25 -19.3513 1530.8 -112.817C1544.69 -165.426 1497.94 -193.267 1497.94 -193.267C1497.94 -193.267 1507.93 -74.31 1240.15 -92.0269C1123.79 -99.9815 1124.12 7.04337 1124.12 7.04337C1124.12 7.04337 1105.15 7.04337 1057.05 22.4101C1013.52 35.7882 984.389 57.6632 984.389 57.6632C995.737 23.314 1043.16 7.04337 1043.16 7.04337C981.171 7.04337 929.681 57.6632 929.681 57.6632C929.003 44.6467 938.657 26.7489 938.657 26.7489C936.794 30.5454 869.891 89.6622 854.647 216.212C846.687 279.667 864.979 345.292 903.935 393.924C967.79 474.192 1090.59 484.859 1165.11 490.824C1274.7 500.044 1456.61 510.168 1617.18 533.851C1834.15 566.031 1846.85 643.407 1818.57 692.581C1786.89 747.72 1690.35 749.347 1539.94 692.581C1389.03 636.357 1086.69 519.569 868.875 520.292C294.351 522.823 36.5599 782.612 -135.357 734.523C-130.276 969.544 -287.965 1063.91 -287.965 1063.91C-311.677 933.929 -295.248 1169.49 -528.818 1291.88C-528.818 1291.88 -530.681 1233.85 -554.732 1228.79C-586.575 1221.74 -631.46 1313.4 -631.46 1313.4C-681.765 1277.42 -697.686 1222.1 -697.686 1222.1L-709.203 1248.86C-709.203 1248.86 -748.329 1222.46 -756.459 1178.17C-765.098 1132.97 -752.394 1099.53 -771.195 1098.62C-792.367 1097.18 -838.099 1130.44 -838.099 1130.44C-838.099 1130.44 -830.307 1053.25 -863.505 972.255C-882.136 920.37 -909.237 873.185 -913.302 817.503C-1098.43 780.623 -1323.87 701.258 -1328.95 625.329C-1333.69 553.738 -1322.01 481.424 -1396.36 458.283C-1400.43 447.978 -1408.05 438.035 -1416.35 430.442C-1452.43 397.72 -1487.32 412.183 -1505.78 419.957C-1505.78 419.957 -1468.01 425.019 -1450.56 467.865C-1493.92 494.259 -1476.14 576.155 -1476.14 576.155C-1509.51 539.636 -1580.31 472.204 -1623.16 514.869C-1630.1 506.734 -1640.26 500.225 -1649.92 495.525C-1696.5 473.469 -1727.66 499.683 -1744.43 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