<section class="article-jump-to" data-behaviour="article-jump-to">
    <h6 class="efl-heading-6">JUMP TO SECTION</h6>

No notes defined.

  "sections": [
      "name": "Gareth Southgate",
      "description": "Gareth Southgate tells Peter Glynn that he wants young english players to have the freedom to express themselves",
      "anchor": "#",
      "hideClass": "hidden"
      "name": "Session setup",
      "description": "Pressing is when pressure is applied on the player or the team that&#8217;s in possession.It&#8217;s a skill that&#8217;s used in",
      "anchor": "#"
      "name": "Running the Session",
      "description": "So, what can it look like? Well, pressing can be when:a primary-age player simply shows desire and enthusi",
      "anchor": "#"
      "name": "Example",
      "description": "Here are three ideas you can use to help your players develop their pressing skills.",
      "anchor": "#"
  • Content:
    export default parentElement => {
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      pageTitles.forEach((item, index) => {
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        if (jumptoLink) {
        if (
          !jumptoLink &&
          count < 5 &&
          item.innerText.trim() !== '' &&
        ) {
          link.setAttribute('href', `#jump-to-section-link-${index + 1}`);
          link.innerHTML = `<h5>${item.innerText}</h5><p>${desc}</p>`;
          link.setAttribute('aria-label', `Jump to ${item.innerText}`);
          if (document.querySelector(`#jump-to-section-link-${index + 1}`)) {
              .querySelector(`#jump-to-section-link-${index + 1}`)
          item.setAttribute('id', `jump-to-section-link-${index + 1}`);
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
  • URL: /components/raw/article-jump-to/article-jump-to.js
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/components/article-jump-to/article-jump-to.js
  • Size: 1.3 KB
  • Content:
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  • URL: /components/raw/article-jump-to/article-jump-to.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/components/article-jump-to/article-jump-to.scss
  • Size: 2.2 KB
<section class="article-jump-to" data-behaviour="article-jump-to">
  <h6 class="efl-heading-6">JUMP TO SECTION</h6>
  • Handle: @article-jump-to
  • Preview:
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/components/article-jump-to/article-jump-to.hbs