<div class="team-standings">
    <div class="team-standings__container">
        <opta-widget widget="standings" competition="4" season="2017" template="normal" live="false" navigation="tabs" default_nav="1" side="combined" data_detail="full" show_key="true" show_crests="true" points_in_first_column="true" lose_before_draw="false" show_form="6" competition_naming="full" team_naming="full" date_format="dddd D MMMM YYYY" sorting="false" show_live="false" show_relegation_average="false" show_logo="false" show_title="false" breakpoints="500" sport="football">
        <div class="team-standings__match-details">
            <div class="team-standings__match-stats">
                <ul class="team-standings__match-report">
                    <li class="win">Win</li>
                    <li class="draw">Draw</li>
                    <li class="loss">Loss</li>
                    <li class="notplayed">Not played</li>

No notes defined.

/* No context defined. */
  • Content:
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    $lossMatch: $alizarincrimson;
    $drawMatch: $alto;
    $npMatch: $alto;
    .team-standings {
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        background: $lossMatch !important;
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        border: 1px solid $npMatch;
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  • URL: /components/raw/team-standings/team-standings.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/components/team-standings/team-standings.scss
  • Size: 5.6 KB
<div class="team-standings">
    <div class="team-standings__container">
        <opta-widget widget="standings" competition="4" season="2017" template="normal" live="false" navigation="tabs"
            default_nav="1" side="combined" data_detail="full" show_key="true" show_crests="true"
            points_in_first_column="true" lose_before_draw="false" show_form="6" competition_naming="full"
            team_naming="full" date_format="dddd D MMMM YYYY" sorting="false" show_live="false"
            show_relegation_average="false" show_logo="false" show_title="false" breakpoints="500" sport="football">
        <div class="team-standings__match-details">            
            <div class="team-standings__match-stats">
                <ul class="team-standings__match-report">
                    <li class="win">Win</li>
                    <li class="draw">Draw</li>
                    <li class="loss">Loss</li>
                    <li class="notplayed">Not played</li>